Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic Massage is a personalised massage that combines Deep Tissue Massage and Methameric Connective Massage.
Deep Tissue Massage is a technique that works on the deeper layers of muscle tissue and aims to release tension in the body, significantly relaxing muscles, relieving pain and increasing flexibility.
Deep Tissue Massage uses slow, deep movements on muscle tissue, tendons and other deep tissues under the skin using fingers, knuckles, elbows and special tools.
Methameric Connective Massage is an extremely powerful and complex, deep and beneficial treatment, in fact, it is not a simple relaxing or energizing session but a complete reflexology therapy.
Methameric Connective Massage is an extremely powerful, complex, deep and beneficial treatment. In fact, it is not merely a relaxing or energizing session but a complete reflexology therapy.
Methameric Connective Massage is a particular massage that acts in depth, working with a specific technique on the reflex zones of the nerves that connect all the internal organs and the different parts of the body.