
Improves your posture and overall physical wellbeing


Pancafit® is the only tool at the service of Raggi Method® patented in the whole world.
It rebalances posture in a very easy and quick way by acting on all muscle chains. It can restore freedom and wellness in every part of the body through an overall decompression muscular stretching.
Pancafit® is not classical stretching.
Instead, it is a muscular stretching and is carried out by keeping a correct posture and without allowing “compensations”, i.e. all the antalgic mechanisms the body activates in order to escape tensions, pain, or simple unpleasant complaints. Moreover, this kind of stretching works together with breathing techniques aiming to unblock the diaphragm as well.
The benefits of Pancafit®
Pancafit® improves people’s posture and overall physical wellbeing thanks by targeting tensions and muscular stiffness.
This treatment also may indirectly provide positive effects on pathologies such as :
  • blocked breathing;
  • cervical, formication, lumbago pain;
  • venous and lymphatic stasis;
  • slipped disc;
  • muscular hypotonia;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • pain in general;
  • formication;
  • myotensive headache;
  • carpal tunnel;
  • cervical, lumbar, hips, knee arthrosis;
  • sciatica;
  • hallux valgus;
€75 (60 mins)

StudioRA Limited

Get in touch with Andrea:
SMS: +353 83 835 9503