Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic Massage is a personalised massage that combines Deep Tissue Massage and Methameric Connective Massage
Aromatherapy Massage is one of the most effective treatments to use the extraordinary power of essential oils together with the well-known benefits of massage techniques.
Pancafit® is the only tool at the service of Raggi Method® patented in the whole world, it rebalances posture in a very easy and quick way by acting on all chains.
TFH Kinesiology is a natural healing system that combines muscle testing with Chinese medicine principles to assess the body’s energy and functionality.
Reduces stress and induces deep relaxation, cleanses the body of toxins and impurities.
Helps remove blockages or congestion of the auric field and balances the subtle energies.
Can be combined with Reflexology Therapy.

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StudioRA Limited

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SMS: +353 83 835 9503